Haines 2.0 study by University of Malaga measures its high power

Haines 2.0 study by University of Malaga measures its high power

Roger Haines, SHE Board member and maker of Haines Solar Cookers, partnered with the University of Malaga in Spain to test the Haines 2.0 solar cooker. This study, entitled Experimental characterization of the thermal performance of the Haines 2 solar cooker was published in Elsevier’s Energy Journal in July 2022, with authors Prof. Xabier Apaolaza-Pagoaga, Antonio Carrillo Andres, and Celestino Rodrigues Ruivo. Results include standardized power (87.7 W at 3.5 kg load, 70˚ solar altitude angle), and effects of load and solar altitude on power. The study confirmed the Haines 2.0 red snaps should be used at solar altitudes above 75˚, in other words, when the user’s shadow is less than a third of his or her height.

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