SHE Research on the greenhouse effect published by the Washington Academy of Sciences

SHE Research on the greenhouse effect published by the Washington Academy of Sciences

The research paper “Is a Greenhouse Heated by Radiation Trapping or Convection Blocking?” by Paul Arveson was published in the Spring 2023 issue of the Washington Academy of Sciences. It refutes the conclusion of an often-cited 1909 experiment by Professor R.W. Wood stating that the main cause of heating in a greenhouse is by blocking air convection. The paper states: “Based on Wood’s article, global warming skeptics have argued that the “greenhouse effect” due to trapping of radiation by the atmosphere is false. […] This article reviews recent efforts to replicate Wood’s experiment (including new ones I conducted) and concludes that Wood was mistaken. The “greenhouse effect”– at least as applied to a real greenhouse– is heated primarily by selective filtering of infrared radiation. […] It is important to clarify whether the greenhouse analogy is valid or not. The reason is that numerous climate skeptics have sought to refute the main claims of the IPCC based on an alleged failure of the analogy.

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