Education Tools

Education Tools

Instructions for using the IRENA Atlas for Solar Mapping
The IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) Global Atlas for Renewable Energy is a database of over 1000 renewable energy datasets that can be overlaid on a world map. These data allow users to visualize the renewable energy potential of wind, solar, geothermal, bioenergy, marine energy, and hydro energy, by geographic location and, in some cases, seasonality. The interface also allows users to overlay additional information such as population density, land use, or topography. These simple instructions provide guidance on mapping solar energy. IRENA atlas for solar mapping_SHE

Links for solar oven research and educational tools.

Indoor Smoke: Breaking Down Respiratory Defences
World Health Organization's new world map that shows the health impact smoke-filled kitchens have on women and children.

NASA Surface Meteorology & Solar Energy Database
Database of solar insolation information for regions of the world. Levels of 4kWh/m2 and above are suitable for solar cooking.

Carbon Footprint Calculator
OFFSETTING YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT: Use this calculator to estimate your carbon emission contribution, then help offset by donating to Solar Household Energy's efforts in reducing environmental degradation and improving air quality.