Visit also our YouTube channel to see all our videos, as well as some of our favorite videos showcasing solar cooking around the world.
Videos, slide shows, TV reports and radio interviews of solar cooking programs around the globe.
Refugee women in the Gaga refugee camp in Chad need your help to make cooking a joy, not a burden! Please support Solar Household Energy’s fundraising campaign to offer solar cookers to these women. Make a donation today on our website and spread the word about the campaign. Thank you!
Meet Louise Meyer global crusader for the benefits of solar cooking.
Jose Andres, the creative and famous chef, shares his plan for saving millions of lives around the world by eliminating primitive open fires for cooking
Solar Household Energy and Solar Cookers International's participation in the annual technology demonstration organized by STAR-TIDES
Natural dyeing in Teotilan del Valle, Oaxaca, famous for tapestry weaving
The reality of using solar cookers in a Chad refugee camp
For those times when the sun doesn't shine why not build your own fuel efficient stove